REIF Global Partners:
The spiritual principles of partnership continues today just like it did in the Apostle Paul’s life when he wrote his partners in Philippians chapter one. Paul begins by giving thanks and telling the saints in Philippi, ”being very confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ”. Paul continues to write…”just as it is right for me to think this of you all, because I have you in my heart, inasmuch as both in my chains and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel, you all are partakers with me of grace”.
RiversEdge International Fellowship is an apostolic network of leaders in ministry and in the marketplace who are dedicated to affirming the gifts God has given its members. We validate the gifts and callings before men, and we practice accountability without manipulation. REIF provides a relational, apostolic family for those called to and are serving in the capacity of one of the five-fold ministries, as outlined in Ephesians 4.11, whether in the local church or in marketplace ministry or in a national / international ministry.
Financial Support:
Thank You To Our Fellowship Partners!
The Apostolic Board of Elders and the officers of RiversEdge International Fellowship are so thankful for your friendship and partnership. Your prayers and financial support allow us to reach more ministries, teach more pastors, and support more churches and communities with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Your financial gifts to REIF go to support the outreaches of REIF Global, Global Prayer International, regional conferences, encouraging ministers, growing churches, and encouraging the Church to do the work of the ministry.
You can Text-to-Give at 84321 (North America only)
You can give directly through Secure Online Giving:
Click this link to give online
Click this link for PayPal.
You may also mail your giving to:
Post Office Box 1421
Salem, Virginia 24153, USA
[You can memo note the fund to which you give.]
Fellowship Partner Giving:
Ministries and Churches: $100/month
Licensed, Ordained, and Credentialed Ministers: $50/month
Partnerships in Ministry
We are convinced and confident that partnerships are the key to reaping the end time of souls in these last days and building up the body of Christ. As the body of Christ grows up to maturity in Christ, every member supplies and supports the whole. When we partner together we fully supply needs so that they lack nothing. Through partnership we share what we have with others and share in the anointing and blessing received. Our partnership in prayer, and in material goods, allows us to give in to the lives of those who need it the most. Invest in others in time, effort, and money. Spend time getting to know one another. Make the effort to participate in what others are doing. Invest in, sow seeds into, what God is doing in others' ministries. Make the time to follow up with other ministers. Have coffee, have lunch, make the phone calls, make the trips; get to know one another.
One of the greatest joys we can experience is praying for and engaging with friends who have chosen to support one another in ministry. Our prayers are not amiss. We are praying for the release of good things which are given by Christ Jesus to them, not for ourselves, but by the principle of partnership. Fighting along side partners through prayer, or through giving, we receive an eternal reward for each one born again, healed, and delivered as a result of each other’s ministry.
The leadership of RiversEdge International Fellowship counts it a privilege to pray for all the partners and fellowship ministries. We pray and believe our God for the release all of the good fruit that abounds to your account. Take time today to pray (I Peter 4:7), to relate one to another, to communicate to each other frequently, and to make an effort to encourage one another (I Peter 4:10) as you see the final days approaching; and sow financially as God purposed in your heart (II Cor. 9:7) so that now at this time of your abundance may supply their lack; that their abundance also may supply your lack---that there be equality (II Cor. 8:14-15).
REIF Provides: Affirmation • Validation • Accountability • Relationship
The leaders, the pillars of the Church, gave right hands of fellowship to others in ministry. Fellowship, pure fellowship, is needed by those in ministry, as Paul encouraged us in Galatians 2:9. We need to build up and support one another in our faith and to the work of the ministry God as called us.
Recognition and confirmation of the gifts and callings the Holy Spirit sends according to His will. To validate means to confirm, to have legal strength to properly execute in strength by supportable laws. People in fellowship gather together to the pillars of the Church, leaders in the Church, for validation, recognizing as being set apart by the Holy Spirit. Acts 13:2-3, Galatians 2:9
Accountability is the state of being liable to answer for one's conduct; liable to give account for one's actions. Safe, non-judgmental leadership who provide encouragement, coaching, counseling, and accountability without manipulation or controlling. Freedom to trust leaders without judgment. Leaders who are interested in completing the calling God has placed on each one of our lives, building relationships in ministry through Jesus Christ.
Relationship is our locking arms together, each part of the Body of Christ supporting the whole. In ministry, we need encouragement, and we are to encourage our brothers and sisters in ministry as we each go about the work of the Lord's business - building the Body of Christ in their faith and relationship with the God of the Bible. RiversEdge International Fellowship promotes holding up each others' arms when they get weary. Just as Aaron and Hur were there for Moses, we are there for each other.
What can REIF do for you?
• Build relationships in ministry around the world through Jesus Christ
• Alignment with an apostolic, equipping and validating base
• Connection with missions locally and internationally
• Church planting, licensing, ordination, and developing
• Local church resources
• Marketplace & Ministry Leadership Development
REIF leaders have hundreds of years of combined experience in tried and proven leadership, building the kingdom of God, encouraging the kingdom of God, and in kingdom governmental foundation.
Pray with us as we pray for REIF members:
Father, in the name of Jesus, we pray and confess that the Your Spirit shall rest upon each member of the Fellowship. We ask for Your spirit of wisdom and understanding, of counsel and might, and of knowledge rest upon each member of the Fellowship. We pray You will give understanding to all of the members of the Fellowship so they may preach Your gospel to the meek, the poor, the wealthy, the afflicted. Send each member of the Fellowship to bind up and heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the physical and spiritual captives, the opening of prisons and of the eyes of the blind, and release to those who who are bound. We pray that as Your Spirit rests upon REIF Global ministers we will accomplish all that You have given us to do.
We pray and believe that no weapon formed against REIF shall prosper, and any tongue raised against REIF in judgment shall be shown to be in the wrong. Lord, we pray You prosper those in the Fellowship abundantly; spiritually, physically, emotionally, and financially.
We confess those in Fellowship hold fast and follow a lifestyle of wholesome and sound teaching; in all faith and love which is for us in Christ Jesus. We pray all those in the Fellowship are able to guard and keep their hearts in Your love, the precious Truth, which has been entrusted to each one by Your Holy Spirit.
Lord, we pray and believe each day that freedom of utterance is given to all, that we will open our mouths boldly and courageously to proclaim Your Gospel to this world. Thank you Lord, for the strength which comes supernaturally to each one in the Fellowship.
We confess that we shall stand behind one another and under gird, support each other in prayer. We will not allow ourselves to judge anyone but will continue to intercede for all and speak blessings upon them, in the name of Jesus.
Psalm 1.3, Jeremiah 17.8, Ezekiel 47.12, Daniel 4.10-12
Isaiah 11:2,3 II Timothy 1:13,14
Isaiah 61:1,6 Eph 6:19,20
Isaiah 54:17 I Peter 3:12
Pray for us as we press toward the mark of the high calling of Christ.
Moving Forward, Building the Kingdom of God Together
REIF Global
Your financial gifts [credentials and mission contributions] to REIF go to support the outreaches of REIF Global, Global Prayer International, national and regional conferences to encourage ministers, to grow churches, and to encourage the Church to do the work of the ministry.
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